Test - Website Designing using WordPress

Welcome to Website Designing using WordPress - Basics test!

This test has 20 simple questions and all are to be answered.

During the test you could refer to any material for help. Best Wishes!

Email ID
Which one of the following is NOT a search engine?
In internet terminology, IP means
Which of the following is valid Website Address?
What is WordPress Taxonomy?
What is WordPress?
What relational database does WordPress use?
Software which allows user to view the webpage is called as __________.
Does WordPress use cookies?
What are the various ways to use WordPress?
How can you get involved with WordPress?
Are Multilingual sites allowed in WordPress?
In which programming language WordPress is written?
What is Permalink?
What is the difference between WordPress Posts and Pages?
Which is highest privilege level in WordPress?
A computer on internet is identified by:
What is the name of the first page you encounter after logging into your web page?
Verification of a login name and password is known as:
What is the full form of WWW in web address?
A Website's front page / main page is called

Thank you for taking Website Designing using WordPress - Basics test!